Engineers 67%
Female 39%
Lived Abroad 33%
Dog Owner 61%
Minority 50%
Native Texan 78%
Structures is comprised of a diverse collective of individuals that continuously contribute to our community through our professional and personal commitments. Our educational and professional backgrounds are varied as are our interests and ideas. We are foodies, musicians, surfers, mothers, hipsters, dog lovers, car enthusiasts, volunteers, artists and much, much more.
Although we are different, it is our common appreciation and respect for each other that leads to our collaborative work atmosphere. Our design solutions are often reached through this collective reasoning and multi-perspective creativity. We understand and appreciate that our varied interests and backgrounds have inspired the ideas that have guided us to not only achieving award winning design solutions but to the creation of an engaging workplace culture.
These virtues contribute to Structures’ continued success.
Heidi Cisneros
Managing Principal
Doug Rothermel, PE, SE
Associate Principal
Ryan Stoltz, PE
Senior Project Manager
Tilman Schober, PE
Senior Project Manager
Melissa Eason
Senior Business Manager